Fall Semester Spring Semester
Math 161: Calculus I Math 162: Calculus II
Chem 121: General Chemistry I Lab Science Elective 4
ES101: Introduction to Engineering Physics 131
First-Year Seminar CCS Elective
Math 263: Calculus III Math Elective 5
EGRS 251 Introduction to Engineering and Public Policy EGRS 261 Engineering Economics and Management
ECON 101 Principles of Economics CCS Elective
Lab Science/Math/Computing Elective6 Engineering Systems Elective7
200 Level Engineering Elective 8 Study Abroad – Free Elective9
Engineering Systems Elective7 Study Abroad – Free Elective9
Humanities/Social Science Elective10 Study Abroad – Free Elective9
Humanities/Social Science Elective10 Study Abroad – Free Elective9
EGRS 451 Capstone Seminar in Engineering and Society (W) 300/400 Level Engineering Elective11
300/400 Level Engineering Elective11 300/400 Level Engineering Elective11
Humanities/Social Science Elective10 Free Elective
Free Elective Free Elective

1 All Engineering Studies majors must meet the writing requirement (fys, EGRS 451, and two other designated writing courses).

2 Minors: no more than one minor or more than three named courses count from major or common course of study.

3 Double majors: no more than four courses count for both majors.

4 Must be a lab course in geology, biology, chemistry, physics, or psychology 110.

5 A course from the math department numbered 186 or higher.

6 Must be a lab science course (see note 4), a math course numbered 186 or higher, a CS course, or a CM course.

7 Chosen from ES 226, ES 241, ChE 211, a fluid mechanics course, or a thermodynamics course (list published each semester).

8 Any 200-level engineering course except those that are cross listed outside the Engineering Division.

9 All Engineering Studies majors must meet the foreign culture requirement by one of the three options: 1. proficiency in a foreign language through intermediate level; 2. approved semester study abroad (PREFERRED); or 3. established cluster of three related courses dealing with another culture.

10 At least one of these three H/SS courses must be a humanities course. At least one must be a social science course from a department other than economics, and at least one must be an H/SS course that addresses technological issues.

11 At least one, and no more than two, of the 300/400 level engineering electives must be EGRS 480 or EGRS 382 or EGRS 495.